Mercury, Messages, Matrices ~ 4 Dec 2017

Mercury is officially retrograde and seems to be umbilically riveted to Saturn on the Galactic Center. That’s not actual reality, but it surely is the semblance of reality as people scramble to hold thoughts intact, keep schedules straight, clear complications and remember where holiday gifts were hidden prior to wrapping.

During this Mercury-Saturn conjunction binary choices seemingly demand attention. Right, wrong, left, right, up, down, all require a reply something other than maybe or maybe not.

A few simple steps can help during this retrograde to sort out mental matrices seeming hell bent on mixing up those gift package tags... and more.

First, get rid of distractions. Anything that does not warrant your energy or attention, ignore it, or better yet, delete it. Pick all matters that ask for your time and mental attention carefully. Engage only in those details and concepts that contribute to the overall objectives in life - whether short term or long term. If the blog post or video link is not relevant, do not engage.

Next, streamline and simplify clutter. You can do this by organizing your desk, consolidating Post-It notes, paper clipping things together that should be joined. Defrag your life much like your computer’s hard drive needs periodic condensing. With mental matters condensed, focus can be restored and processing time is greatly reduced.

What’s important behind any choice or decision is that the energy behind it be understood. If there’s an emotional energy underscoring any life decision, no amount of mental processing can resolve the matter. You can make “pro-con” lists until blue in the face. The energy of the emotion regarding any important life decision or matter at hand will be the determining factor. Focus deep within. Sort out your bottom line. Locate the soul’s substrate... the energy at the base of the spine. What really, really moves you? Once that energy is revealed, underlying motivations are understood. Intentions become clear. Forks in the road seem less annoying. Decision-making simplifies.

Also bear in mind that there is an emotional curve to any significant life decision. Permit the time required to filter reactions. Play “what if,” exhaust all possible scenarios, holding out the optimal objective as a cosmic carrot on a stick. When your emotions can wrap around a change, the process of deciding to make that change becomes simpler, potentially even palatable.

Perhaps some decisions recently made won’t leave the nagging portion of the psyche alone. Given Mercury’s station with Saturn on the Galactic Center, yesterday’s super moon (full moon more close to Earth than normal) and ongoing showers of solar radiation bursts, static certainly is in the air. It’s not your imagination.

What’s not helpful is second guessing. For decisions made, instead of doubting the logic or feelings that prompted such a decision, reset the objective. Take a week from where we are to review why you chose what you chose. Assign no value judgments. On the 12th, Mercury aligns with the Sun and Earth. Mundane matters make more logical sense at that point. Allow a little scumble to go with the process right now. The emotional amplification works to reenforce your original objective and make it bright and shiny once again.

Mercury returns direct on the 23rd, Saturn’s third day in Capricorn. Suddenly, things make real world sense again. Progress can be verifiably measured and the value of decisions cogently assessed as Venus contributes to the Galactic Center matrix by aligning with our galaxy’s core as Mercury turns about. Sure it may take until Mercury’s return the Galactic Center (January 9th) before the mind finally chills out within the current cycle. Regardless, Venus on the GC clearly points out benefits, payoffs and resources gained by the recent decision-making process.

With all of that out of the way, Saturn will soon engage home turf in Capricorn. That’s a good thing! Coming soon in SkyScrapings a series of axioms and mantras for Saturn’s sign change.

Stay tuned. More soon!